The Trump administration promises broad expansion of gun rights in the U.S. As candidates, Trump-Pence ran with the full endorsement of the NRA and vowed to end gun-free zones in schools and airports, severely curtail gun-violence prevention efforts, and make it ever-easier for people to carry guns across state lines and into cities such as New York. These promises have already begun to come to fruition, with many more soon-to-come.
The Institute for Public Knowledge at NYU invites you to join us for a panel discussion with leading legislators, activists, journalists, and academics to debate gun policy and it’s everyday effects under the most overtly pro-gun administration in modern memory. It will address questions such as,
- What are the implications for gun-violence-prevention policy, legislation, reporting, and research under Trump-Pence?
- What role will the NRA play in the new administration?
- What impact might legislation such as concealed-carry reciprocity have for gun control efforts in cities such as New York?
- What new strategies are needed to promote balance between gun rights and public safety, or foster conversations between disparate people, groups, and factions along the oft-contentious US gun debate?
Panelests include:
- Jonathan M. Metzl, Chair, Vanderbilt Center for Medicine, Health, and Society; Research Director, Safe Tennessee Project (Introduction/Overview);
- Rep. Stacey Newman, Democratic State Representative, Missouri House District 87, Missouri House of Representatives (Legislation);
- Igor Volsky, Deputy Director, Center for American Progress Action Fund (Activism);
- Lois Beckett, Senior Reporter, Guardian US (Media/reporting);
- Sandro Galea, Dean, School of Public Health, Boston University (Research)