
Gun Policy in Trump’s America

Institute for Public Knowledge 20 Cooper Square, 5th floor, New York, NY, United States

The Institute for Public Knowledge at NYU invites you to join us for a panel discussion with leading legislators, activists, journalists, and academics to debate gun policy and it’s everyday effects under the most overtly pro-gun administration in modern memory.


Alt-White Supremacy as Public Health Emergency – DAHSM Culpeper Seminar Series

UCSF Laurel Heights Campus 3333 California St., Room 474, San Francisco, CA, United States

Of late, we’ve heard much about the rise of “alt-white supremacy” in the United States—with the assumption that supremacy is a system that places white people atop persons of color, immigrants, and other marginalized groups. The core ideology of supremacy, and the politics and policies that support it, depends on a hierarchy that seemingly privileges and benefits white people at the expense of everyone else. (See, e.g., walls, bans, and other structures and policies.)

Mental Illness, Mass Shootings, and the Politics of American Firearms: Changing the Terms of the Debate

Toland Hall Auditorium 533 Parnassus Avenue, room 142, San Francisco, CA, United States

Four assumptions frequently arise in the aftermath of mass shootings in the US: (1) that mental illness causes gun violence, (2) that psychiatric diagnosis can predict gun crime, (3) that shootings represent the deranged acts of mentally ill loners, and (4) that effective gun control laws will not prevent such incidents. Professor Metzl will discuss how these assumptions about gun violence are incorrectly linked to stereotypes of mental illness and race in the United States. These issues become obscured when mass shootings are framed as representative of all gun crime, and when “mentally ill” ceases to be a medical designation and becomes encoded as violent threat.